RIP Lou Reed



RIP Lou Reed, 1942-2013

I imagine other folks will put together overviews of Lou Reed’s career that contextualize his dramatic importance to contemporary music—to rock n’ roll—so I’m not gonna bother to do that. Instead, let me shoot from the hip here:

I’m surprised how sad I felt today when I learned that Reed had died. I don’t think I can overstate how important the Velvet Underground’s music was to me when I was young; more significantly, I still love their music today, still listen to it every week. Not all of Reed’s solo albums stuck in my brain, but many of them did, and so many of his songs are wedged so deep in my consciousness that I can hit «play» and hear them in toto without having to actually touch a stereo.

The first Lou Reed song I heard was «Walk on the Wild Side,» which I…

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Publicado por sherabgyatso

Poeta, Ensayista, Bibliotecario y promotor de lectura Venezolano

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Revista Kametsa

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